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History of the Book of Daniel

Daniel, a prophet of God, outlines God's plan for the gentile nations in chapters 2 through 7 and he portrays Israel during the time of gentile domination in chapters 8 through 12. The Book of Daniel "the Apocalypse of the Old Testament" centers around the profound truth of the Sovereignty of God. The amazing true story of Daniel's three friends being thrown into a fiery furnace and living through it, is found in Daniel 3:8-30.(*Note: The men who threw them into this fiery furnace died from the outside heat of it.) The story of Daniel being thrown into a lion's den and God shutting the lions' mouths sparing Daniel's life is found in Daniel 6. Starting in Daniel 7 to the end of the book of Daniel, Daniel had many dreams and visions. He did not understand them, but we know today that his visions revealed that the Messiah will be the ruler of a Spiritual Kingdom that will conquer all other earthly kingdoms. This helps us understand that we should interpret all of history in light of God's Eternal Kingdom.
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Dear Heavenly Father,
As this dear person reads through Your Holy Word, we ask that Your presence be upon them to learn what You desire them to know. May Your Words come alive to them as they draw close to You in this time of reading Your Word at this Online Bible site.
In Jesus' Precious Name,
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